Every now and then I write a poem. I don’t know why I do. I just do. This one is about success probably. But you can decide for yourself. Let me know how you feel about poetry that has inconsistent timing and rhythmic devices in the comments down below!

Written on 13-10-2016. Posted here in December 2016.

The Oaken Door

And so we come again to the Oaken Door.
Unbreachable, it towers over us.
Allowing but meek orange beams of light to cross the threshold through tiny cracks previously unseen.
Their glow washing over us, God-Rays cast outward from the untold riches that lie beyond.

For that is what we believe.
What we are told to believe, by those who declare knowledge of these secret riches.
And we must only hope to be blessed.
And allowed to enter.

And so we scratch and claw and fight the Oaken Door.
Striving for what is only glimpsed on the edge of desert sands.
Gazing at those few, resplendent in the trappings of success, who know what lies beyond.
And as we falter, all of us slump down and rest our weary backs against the Door and wonder on our lot.

Only to rise from our Great Depressions and arrive again to fight the Door.
And carry on our endless war.
Forevermore we try, valuing only what lies beyond our reach.
Never thinking that our Struggles might be worthy.
Unless that Door is Breached.