This is my second entry into the four poems per month challenge. Which as I previously stated, I have already fucked up. This poem at least explains some part of why that happened. We moved house. Previously in my life I had never really considered moving house to be quite as emotional a thing as I did this time. Honestly I am still processing it and can’t adequately explain why it even was so emotional. But hopefully this poem goes some of the way to explaining that for you if you are at all interested.

Written on 23-01-2017. Posted here in February 2017.

My skin is cracked
But we’re done and packed.
So we can move on down the road.

The memories come flooding,
As the door is shutting,
On a chapter of our lives called ‘Home’.

We are saying goodbye
To a time in our life,
And to a place we don’t want to let go.

This new house is fine,
But the old one's in our bloodline.
We’re pulling up roots runnin’ deep as bone.

So as we toast our success,
And we change our address,
We look back, and think on how we’ve grown.

We’d never even be in this spot,
It all would have been for naught,
Had we not come to this place so long ago.

And so we say fare thee well,
Hope the new owners don’t mind the smell,
And we’ll be back if we ever win the lotto.

One thing this poem achieved, besides actually sounding somewhat like a regular poem, which is rare for me, was that it made Jess cry. Which I consider to be an awesome achievement!